
First Dive in a Dry suit


Why did I wait so long to switch to drysuits for winter diving.

Oh that's right. Money. Well that stuff always ebbs and flows and recently it flowed into my latest piece of dive equipment.

I'm at a point in my career I have research funds that can be allocated for necessary gear. After two winters of diving in the snow with just a 7mm wetsuit, I was done with the frostbite after the dives. Since some of my projects require me to dive in the winter now, and I was able to secure research grants for them, I was able to justify purchasing dry suit.

Its an absolute game changer. Not cold at all. Head and hands are still exposed so they can get chilly but I think the body heat keeps it manageable. 

I also thought it was going to be more difficult to get use to the balance and buoyancy changes from wetsuits to drysuits. Wasn't difficult at all. There was maybe a few times where the air in the suit all pooled in my feet, but I quickly realized there was simply too much air in the suit period and letting a bit out helped my balance. after that it was smooth swimming form there.

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunities that have now allowed me to own my own drysuit. It will take my diving to the next level and possibly open up some more opportunities for some frigid water dives.

That is, until I lose a couple kilos and and able to fit back into my 10mm heatwave, but who are we kidding? Even then, This think is much more comfortable than that clunky penguin suit. Plus, I get to step out of it like James Bond and be completely dry. Way more comfortable when the outside air temp is colder than the water.

PCs: Reiji Masuda

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