
Nudi's from Japan

Reiji diving in Otomi

Polycera sp. 3 different species all look identical

Likely Elysia ornata

Two Analogium amakusanum mating

Possibly Hypselodoris festiva

Color variation of Alloiodoris sp? Not sure

I have no idea. It was big though. At least 10-12cm.



First Dive in Japan

First of many dives in my new home for the next couple of years. Thanks for being patient and waiting for this video. 

Otomi - Fukui Prefecture- Japan 

This was my first time scuba diving in japan and I couldn't be happier. All new species to learn and a whole new language to learn them in. I may switch back to English common names in the future but for now I want to call them by by what they are locally known as.

I might get more opportunities to share the videos I will take during my dives. I may make more since I will be diving with a camera a lot or not since graduate school is challenging, who knows. Here's some pretty fish.


Song: Our New Home by Michael Skaide