
Kelp Project Dives 2/15/2020

Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)
California Halibut (Paralichthys californicus)
Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) with view of unusual face scaring
Opalescent Nudibranch (Hermissenda opalescens)
Opalescent Nudibranch (Hermissenda opalescens)
Kelp growing on sandy bottom with the aid of worm tubes.
Sarcastic Fringehead (Neoclinus blanchardi)


Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus) resting and feeding.

Snowy plovers taken back in September 2019. Beautiful animals. took a good hour to army crawl my way up the dune without disturbing the bird. Very majestic animals.